SAI Meetings
Airdrie meeting Monday
Monday 6:30 pm
In St Francis Anglican Church
132 Albert Street SE
For more information please contact Wendy at (403) 909-6307
Monday 7:30 PM
meeting is on zoom at
Meeting ID: 936 506 7344 506 7344
For the password please contact Linda ,
text at 403-808-0575
Tuesday 7:30 PM
Primary Purpose Group
Southwood United Church
10690 Elbow Drive SW
The meeting is in the Fireside room. This is a beginner's meeting. We focus on the instructions in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. The contact person for the meeting is Karen 403-512-6618
Wednesday 7:30 PM-8:45 pm
meeting is a hybrid meeting.
For the password please contact Susan A (403) 612-1301
To attend virtually:
Meeting ID: 936 506 7344 506 7344
To attend in-person (address): Woodcliff United Church, 5010 Spruce Drive SW. Meeting is held in the Willow Room downstairs.
Wednesday 5:30 PM
In-Person Meeting
Chinook Society For Recovering Addicts
408 13 Street N
Front door, front room
Please contact Ana for more information, text preferred 403-308-4431
Thursday 2:00 pm
meeting is in person only meeting in the Fireside room/ nursery
Southwood United church
10690 Elbow Drive SW
For more information, or help finding the meeting please text Judy 403-807-6538
Thursday 7:00 PM
meeting is on zoom at
Meeting ID: 901 815 927.
For more information, and meeting password,
please email Lorraine A [email protected] Lorraine S [email protected] for more information.
Friday 9:30 AM
In-person Step Study Meeting
Saint Luke's Catholic Church.
Address: 1566 Northmount Dr. NW.
The meeting room is downstairs and there will be a sign on the door. This meeting has decided to be adults only thank you
Please text Jennifer S. at 403-909-1224 for more information or help locating the meeting.
Friday 8:00 PM
meeting is on zoom at
Meeting ID: 936 506 7344 506 7344
For the password contact Pam, only text, at +1 (403) 275-8203
Saturday 9:30 AM
meeting is on zoom 101 7499
Meeting ID: 277 101 7499.
Please text Karen C. at 403-512-6618
or Rose at 403-852-6130 for the password.
Sunday 8:45 AM
meeting is on zoom at
Meeting ID: 936 506 7344 506 7344
Phone in: 587-328-1099
Please text for the meeting info Souria K 403-620-1531 or Bev 403-689-0008.
Sunday 8:00 PM is on zoom at
Meeting ID: 936 506 7344 506 7344
For the password please contact Alicia M. text or whatsapp, at
(403) 396-6595
OA Zoom Meetings
Please see the individual meetings below for password request information. You may also email requests for passwords to: [email protected] and we will respond as soon as possible.
If you do not have Wifi or a Smartphone or computer with a microphone, please call the local Calgary number at (587)-328-1099 and you will be able to join the meeting by audio only. You could also call a member who is able to connect to zoom and ask them to put their phone on speaker beside their microphone. You will be able to listen and share through them. Also, due to the current popularity of zoom it is suggested that you try to login ten minutes before the meeting starts. And if that does not work, please continue trying or login with another device.
Please be informed that similar to other web-based technology, zoom collects data on its users. Please review the zoom privacy policy to stay informed about how such data is used and to make an informed decision about your choice to attend. Please CLICK HERE for more information.
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Airdrie meeting Monday
Monday 6:30 pm
In St Francis Anglican Church
132 Albert Street SE
For more information please contact Wendy at (403) 909-6307
Monday 7:30 PM
meeting is on zoom at
Meeting ID: 936 506 7344 506 7344
For the password please contact Linda ,
text at 403-808-0575
Tuesday 7:30 PM
Primary Purpose Group
Southwood United Church
10690 Elbow Drive SW
The meeting is in the Fireside room. This is a beginner's meeting. We focus on the instructions in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. The contact person for the meeting is Karen 403-512-6618
Wednesday 7:30 PM-8:45 pm
meeting is a hybrid meeting.
For the password please contact Susan A (403) 612-1301
To attend virtually:
Meeting ID: 936 506 7344 506 7344
To attend in-person (address): Woodcliff United Church, 5010 Spruce Drive SW. Meeting is held in the Willow Room downstairs.
Wednesday 5:30 PM
In-Person Meeting
Chinook Society For Recovering Addicts
408 13 Street N
Front door, front room
Please contact Ana for more information, text preferred 403-308-4431
Thursday 2:00 pm
meeting is in person only meeting in the Fireside room/ nursery
Southwood United church
10690 Elbow Drive SW
For more information, or help finding the meeting please text Judy 403-807-6538
Thursday 7:00 PM
meeting is on zoom at
Meeting ID: 901 815 927.
For more information, and meeting password,
please email Lorraine A [email protected] Lorraine S [email protected] for more information.
Friday 9:30 AM
In-person Step Study Meeting
Saint Luke's Catholic Church.
Address: 1566 Northmount Dr. NW.
The meeting room is downstairs and there will be a sign on the door. This meeting has decided to be adults only thank you
Please text Jennifer S. at 403-909-1224 for more information or help locating the meeting.
Friday 8:00 PM
meeting is on zoom at
Meeting ID: 936 506 7344 506 7344
For the password contact Pam, only text, at +1 (403) 275-8203
Saturday 9:30 AM
meeting is on zoom 101 7499
Meeting ID: 277 101 7499.
Please text Karen C. at 403-512-6618
or Rose at 403-852-6130 for the password.
Sunday 8:45 AM
meeting is on zoom at
Meeting ID: 936 506 7344 506 7344
Phone in: 587-328-1099
Please text for the meeting info Souria K 403-620-1531 or Bev 403-689-0008.
Sunday 8:00 PM is on zoom at
Meeting ID: 936 506 7344 506 7344
For the password please contact Alicia M. text or whatsapp, at
(403) 396-6595
OA Zoom Meetings
Please see the individual meetings below for password request information. You may also email requests for passwords to: [email protected] and we will respond as soon as possible.
If you do not have Wifi or a Smartphone or computer with a microphone, please call the local Calgary number at (587)-328-1099 and you will be able to join the meeting by audio only. You could also call a member who is able to connect to zoom and ask them to put their phone on speaker beside their microphone. You will be able to listen and share through them. Also, due to the current popularity of zoom it is suggested that you try to login ten minutes before the meeting starts. And if that does not work, please continue trying or login with another device.
Please be informed that similar to other web-based technology, zoom collects data on its users. Please review the zoom privacy policy to stay informed about how such data is used and to make an informed decision about your choice to attend. Please CLICK HERE for more information.
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